Saturday, February 16, 2008

12 month check

We had Nic's 12 month check last week and I was shocked when they put him on the scale and it said 29 1/2 lbs. He only put on 1 lb since his 9 month check! Normally, he gains a few more than that from check to check. The big shocker of the visit, however, was how TALL he is! Big Nic is now 33 1/2 inches tall! He got 3 inches taller from his 9 month check! I was shocked! He is in the 100th percentile for height and has remained in the 97th percentile in weight since he was about 5 months old. He is, literally, growing before my eyes :( He has also cut another tooth and is now working on all of his molars. Which definitely explains the consistent 2AM wake up calls. Poor guy!
I will upload some new pictures later because I am having some problems with the computer. It's being real cute right now!


Emily said...

I guess the growing has to slow down at some point... same thing with Will at his 12 month- He weighed 19.14 only up 14 oz from his 9 month! He has been waking up at night, too but I'm thinking it might be a growth spurt because he says (well signs) milk. But I also noticed a snazzy little incisor coming. Who knows! When are you coming here?!?!