Thursday, November 13, 2008

Everything Old is New Again...

A year ago, at least, grammy bought Nic a Little People plane. He played with it a little bit, at first, but grew tired of it quickly. In the past couple of weeks, Nic has re-discovered his plane!

He does have some rules he likes to follow when playing with the plane...

1. The zebra is always the pilot.

2. The pilot and all passengers must go in through the door

3. Unless the passenger is Kung Fu panda who has a bit of a weigh problem. He goes in through the top. (the door still goes down, though)

4. The plane must roll around for a bit on the ground....

before it takes flight.

So to re-cap what we have learned: Nic knows what he likes and the way he likes to do it. And I can get away with wrapping old toys up and putting them under the Christmas tree this year! Hooray!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Elmo's Green Thumb (warning this blog conatins LOTS of pictures!)

Today Nic got to see his very first concert, Elmo's Green Thumb! He had so much fun! Of course, his souvenir of choice was a ball.

I tried to get pictures of his first reaction when the characters came out on stage at first, I'm not sure it registered what was happening. Although, he was very interested...

Then he ran over to the isle and peeked around to the stage and suddenly it clicked!

And that was the last time Nicolas stood anywhere near his seat!

He began inching closer and closer to the stage...

Actually, anytime they played music Nicolas could barely stand not to dance up the isle.

He actually got me in trouble a couple of times by security because they aren't "supposed" to dance around in the isles...Nic just couldn't help himself! He tried, crawling, scooting, running, anything he could to get up to the stage. I finally had to tell him we were going to go home if he didn't stay with sorta worked...sorta.

I think this is when he realized Cookie Monster was on his shirt AND on stage! haha

The kids had so much fun and they looked so cute watching the show :)

We were so close the characters actually ran down to the kids, Nic was really excited to see them, so that was a great thing. This defintely would not be the show for kids afraid of people in costume....

I mean, Grover even gave Nic a big monster hug!!!

Towards the end of the show he did get tired,

So he got his blanket out and layed down on it for a second, then got right back up to dance! Honestly, I have never seen him dance like that. He had some good moves!
The end of the show they shot streamers up into the air and the kids really liked that!

The next blog is some videos of Nic dancing. I wish I would have held the darn camera the right way. Sorry if you strain your neck watching them.


Elmo's Green thumb videos

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes We Can!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Guess who got a big boy hair cut!!!

Today I finally took the plunge and took Nic to get a "big boy" haircut. I knew that he would look more like a little boy and less like a baby, but I didn't realize how drastic the change would be! As he was walking around after we left the salon, I got a little choked up. He just looks so grown up!



Still just as cute...just a little more refined :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Ticky Tee"

This was the first year we took Nic out trick or treating. Last year we sat on the porch and handed out candy. This year, we let him loose on the neighbors! The entire week before trick or treat I was teaching Nic how to say trick or treat. Anytime he saw our big bucket full of Halloween candy or saw me open a piece of candy he said "ticky tee!". Of course, on trick or treat night he said it twice, haha. He did say thank you everytime, so I guess that made up for it :) The night went pretty much how I expected. It was hard to keep him on task. He was all over the place! I think the hardest part was getting him to go from house to house. He wanted to sit on everyone's porch and eat his candy.

By the end of the night he was exhausted!