Monday, October 20, 2008

You know its fall when...

you spend a Sunday afternoon at a pumpkin farm!

Sunday afternoon we loaded up in the car and drove up to Simmons Pumpkin Farm in Peters Township PA. It was a big event for Nic, his first time at a farm! He was pretty excited to see all of the "balls" aka pumpkins. However, there was lots more to do besides pick out pumpkins. We started off the day at the petting zoo. He was hesitant for me to put him down at first, but his feet hit the ground running! Literally....

The sheep there were his favorite. Specifically, the really "mangie" looking one...of course...

After the petting zoo, we headed down to the pumpkin fields and other activities by way of...hayride! Nic was a little bit nervous. He didn't cry, but he sat very still on my lap and looked around.

Down by the "balls" there was a lot of fun little thinsg for the kids to do. A few of the things were a little too big for Nic, but next year(as we plan to make this a yearly trip) he will probably have even more fun. They had a "big truck" with a slide to play on and Nic really liked that.

After some playing, we grabbed our bags and headed out to pick out our "balls".

On the way we found a wooly worm. I pointed it out to Nic, thinking he would be afraid of be the judge...

he is all boy! :)

We also brought home some indian corn. Nic kept trying to eat it. I would imagine it looked pretty tastey to him...