Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Fun!

This morning we went to story time for the first time in a few months. Nic, as usual, was not into listening to the stories. He preferred sitting at a table and coloring, which soon turned into dumping the crayons out and playing "pick up". I'm trying to teach him to clean up after himself. :)
Later in the afternoon Kameryn, Ryleigh and their mommies came over for a little afternoon play. Ashley (Kameryn's mommy) bought Nic a bubble mower because of all of his hard work learning to walk!!! Nic loves it, but won't walk behind it like with the shopping cart. He walks on his knees behind it, haha. He took a lot more steps today and stood by himself a LOT! It won't be long now before he is a full blown walker! He's also saying a lot more words and I am slowly seeing my little baby boy disappear :( Its funny, because I have been so anxious to hear him talk and see him take his first steps and now that it is happening, I just want to stop time before he gets any bigger!

Here are a couple of cute pictures from today. I didn't get any from story time because I was too busy keeping crayons out of Nic's mouth!

In the morning we played with his little people and also with his sunglasses. Nic has become quite forceful with his sunglasses! He won't quit trying to put them on you and then he likes to put them on himself. Each time the glasses go on someone's face you have to yell, "cool dude, cool dude!", I don't know why, I just did it one day and it stuck with him! haha, silly boy...

Later during the play date, the kids saw the dog across the street and they all rushed to the door and started yelling their own versions of "doggie" and there was even some pretty good barking. Don't be fooled by the picture, Nic is the youngest of the three :) This picture cracks me up, because from the back he looks so much older than them!

Kisses from Kameryn...
(notice Nic standing by the door without holding on to anything. He stood like that for a long time!)

Ryleigh bouncing on the chair...


Tiffany said...

Great pics of the kids!

Mom2KCK said...

Awww those are cute pics. especially the one where they are all lookin out the window. Colton has those same Handy Manny jammies.