Friday, February 22, 2008

crazy dancing boy!

I recently bought Nic a cd. Its by They Might be Giants and its called Here come the 123's. The cd comes with a bonus dvd and Nic loves them both! He is quite the little dancer and I have been trying to catch it on video, but you're just never sure when the Rhythm is going to get him. Today, while we were playing and watching his dvd it happened and I had my camera right there! The video is longer than his actual dance. I was just hoping to get some more slick moves out of him. So, feel free to stop watching after 20 seconds or so. If you have a little one I highly recommend this cd, its part of a series and I enjoy it as much as he does. We both usually end up dancing and "singing" along when the music is on. On a side note, at kindermusik this week, Nic started patting his knees along with the Hello song. It was a proud momma moment! :)